Easy Way to Mount Tire at Home
Tires are costly. You might need to replace them sooner than expected if you do not mount them properly. It does not matter if you have a damaged tire or a tube in your tire that needs to be replaced. It needs to be fixed or replaced and mounted back.
You can mount a tire by hand or with a machine. The fastest and most straightforward way to mount a tire is by using a machine from a dealership or shop. It is also possible to mount a tire by hand, but precision and care are needed.
Read on to learn more about how to mount a tire and the different methods to mount a tire.
How to Mount a Tire Using a Machine

1. Grease the Bead and Rim Edge
You can do this by spraying a generous amount of tire lubricant on the bead or the inner lip of your tire. You can also spray the outer corner of the rim, so it is easier to position the inflated tire on the rim. If your lubricant comes in a jar, you can use a wooden towel or cloth. Do not use automotive grease or dish soap to replace lubricant.
Dish soap does not have enough lubrication, and automotive grease can be tough to remove from the wheel. Many local auto parts shops sell lubricants.
2. Set up the Valve System
You need to place a valve system to inflate your tire when mounted. You will see a hole on the inside of the rim that goes all the way to the outside. Put the valve system from the rim's interior to make it pass through the hole on the outside.
Next, use a pair of pliers to remove the stem until you appropriately position it. You can use a small amount of your lubricant to the valve system so that it can more easily pass through. You should pull the valve system through the hole and tightly position it there. Due to its structure, you cannot move it quickly in other directions other than backward.
3. Put the Rim on the Machine
Position the rim facing upwards before placing it on the machine and start the hydraulic press. This is to secure the rim in position from underneath by pushing the pedal connected to it.
Many tire machines include two pedals. The first one is to start the press, and the other is to turn the rim around. Suppose you are unsure what pedal to use or see a pedal on the tire machine, check the user manual or the manufacturer's website.
4. Smoothly Move the Tire on the Rim at an Angle
Set the lower edge of the tire down. It should be lower than the top edge's rim on one side. The tire should be at a 45-degree angle and hold its position without going down.
You must begin with one bead under the edge of the rim and have ample space for the mounting arm to slide on the space from the angle.
5. Rotate the Mounting Arm Down
Set the mounting arm in position so that it is in contact with the outer edge of the rim in the same place where you place the tire at the angle to get it through. If you cannot press the mounting arm in the same area, make adjustments to the tire to have space to position the mounting arm.
The mounting arm's function is similar to a pry bar. It forces the remainder of the tire on the lip of the rim. This is why it needs to begin at a spot where the tire is past the lip.
6. Position the Tire at An Angle

You might have to slightly adjust the tire when the mounting arm is in position. This is to make the tire contact the arm while the wheel and tire go around. Nevertheless, in many situations, you don't have to make adjustments.
It is best to check to make sure that the angle is correct. Proper positioning of the tire is important to ensure that the arm pushes the lip down past the edge of the rim while it goes around. Likely, the tire's position on the rim for the mounting arm is angled correctly. It is not the correct angle if your tire drops from the rim.
7. Push the Pedal Down
As they go around, the mounting arm forces the tire's bottom bead on the top edge of the rim. You continuously turn these two around until they can complete a full circle, and you see the bottom bead of the tire completely past the rim's top lip.
Once you are done, you will see that the tire seems to be mounted halfway, and most of it is in contact with the rim. The top bead of the tire prevents it from going all the way to the wheel.
8. Rearrange the Mounting Arm
Like what you did before, push down one side of the tire until it is underneath the rim's upper lip, you move the mounting arm down on the edge of the rim in the space you manually made.
Using a pry bar might be necessary since you need to push the top bead down on the rim's lip in that area. You will see an angled tire after you lower the mounting arm in place.
9. Push the Pedal Down Again to Go Around the Tire and Rim
As they go around, the mounting arm will pressure the upper bead of the tire down on the rim's lip. After you complete a full circle, the upper and lower beads of the tire will get past the upper lip of the rim. At this position, you start inflating the tires.
10. Use an Air Compressor to Inflate the Tire
You attach the hose of your air compressor to the end of the valve system you set up. However, before turning on the compressor, you need to make sure you completely clear your hands and clothes from the tire. You will see the tire inflating fast when the air starts to flow. The tire is mounted when it is inflated at the right air pressure.
Again, can you mount a tire by hand or by machine? You can install your tires on your own by hand or using a machine. By doing so, you can save money. However, it is best to allow professionals to mount your tires for you for safety.
How to Mount a Tire By Hand

1. Put a Valve System
Using a lubricant, grease the valve system and push it down in the hole inside the rim. Then, you get a pair of pliers and move the valve system outwards from the hole. Push the stem until you positioned it snugly in the hole in the rim.
2. Grease the Tire Bead and Rim
Using a tire lubricant when you mount a tire by hand is more important than mounting a tire with a machine. You need a lot of lubricant on the inside tire bead and the rim's outer edge. You can spray the lubricant or put some using your hand.
Moreover, you have to ensure that the tire's top and bottom beads and the whole edge on the rim are greased well. Apply additional lubricant if needed.
3. Place the Rim on a Flat Surface
If the surface is concrete or blacktop, you can put a cardboard piece underneath the wheel to prevent scratches. The surface should be stable, even, and flat. The tire is positioned on the rim, and the upper lip of the rim and bottom bead should be in contact. You need to check that the tire is positioned flat on the rim.
4. Push the Lower Lip Towards the Rim
This is to push the lower lip towards the rim. Also, you can ask for help from someone to maintain your balance when you step on the tire on one side. Move your other foot up and put pressure on the opposite side. Force the tire's bottom bad down on the rim's top lip.
You might need to jump slightly to put enough force downwards to move the tire bead on the lip. You need to do this with someone so that you will not fall.
5. Put More Lubricant
It will be hard to have the upper bead seated when the lower bead is seated. To easily move the rubber down on the metal, you can put more lubricant. You do not need to add more lubricant to the bottom bead.
6. Push the Tire's Upper Lip on One Side
Position the tire to have one part of the upper bead down and below the edge of the time. Push the tire's lower part if it does not go past the lip alone. There should be ample space between the upper lip of the rim and the bead of the tire so that the pry bar can fit into the space. You might also have to use the pry bar to make space.
7. Use a Pry Bar
Move the wheel around, use your hands to press the tire down, and pry the bead on the rim's upper lip. It can take a lot of work, but you are finished when you go completely around the wheel once. You should see the upper and lower beads are passed to the lip of the rim.
8. Use an Air Compressor to Inflate the Tire
When both beads are past the lip of the rim, you can connect the air compressor to the valve system. You must ensure that your fingers and clothes are clear from the tire bead as you inflate the tire. Go to the next tire once you are done.
Finally, you understand the different methods of how to mount a tire. Having your tire properly mounted ensures that your trip is safe since the cars are inflated all the time.
It is highly recommended to get this work done by professionals. Machines from car shops and dealerships are the easiest way to do it. DIY tire mounting can be done, but you have to be careful.
Source: https://automotolab.com/how-to-mount-a-tire-by-hand-or-by-machine/
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